20+ Marathi Calendar 2021 August Free Download Printable Calendar
20+ Marathi Calendar 2021 August Free Download Printable Calendar from



August is an important month for the Marathi community as it marks the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi. This auspicious occasion is celebrated with much fervor and enthusiasm across Maharashtra, and people eagerly await the arrival of Lord Ganesha. Apart from this, August also has several other important events and holidays that are celebrated in the Marathi community. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the August calendar 2021 Marathi.

Important Dates and Holidays

The August calendar 2021 Marathi is packed with several important dates and holidays that are celebrated in the Marathi community. Some of the key dates and holidays are listed below:

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most important festivals in the Marathi community. It is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Ganesha, who is considered to be the God of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. The festival is celebrated with much enthusiasm and devotion across Maharashtra, and people welcome Lord Ganesha to their homes with much fanfare.

Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year to commemorate India’s freedom from British rule. The day is celebrated with much enthusiasm across the country, and people hoist the national flag and sing the national anthem.

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is a festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters tie a rakhi on their brother’s wrist as a symbol of love and protection, and brothers in turn promise to protect their sisters.


Janmashtami is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Krishna. The day is celebrated with much devotion and enthusiasm across Maharashtra, and people offer prayers to Lord Krishna and indulge in festive feasts.

Question & Answer

Q. When is Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated in 2021?

A. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on 10th September 2021.

Q. What is the significance of Raksha Bandhan?

A. Raksha Bandhan celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters and is a symbol of love and protection.

Q. When is Independence Day celebrated in India?

A. Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year.

Q. What is the significance of Janmashtami?

A. Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, who is considered to be one of the most important deities in the Hindu religion.


The August calendar 2021 Marathi is packed with several important dates and holidays that are celebrated in the Marathi community. From Ganesh Chaturthi to Independence Day, the month of August is filled with festivities and celebrations. We hope that this comprehensive guide to the August calendar 2021 Marathi has been helpful to you, and we wish you a happy and prosperous month ahead!

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