SriLankaCalendar2021August Creations Arena
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August Calendar 2021 Sri Lanka: Holidays, Festivals, and Events to Look Forward To


August is an exciting month in Sri Lanka, as it is filled with holidays, festivals, and events that bring people together to celebrate their culture and traditions. This year, despite the ongoing pandemic, Sri Lankans are looking forward to celebrating these occasions in a safe and meaningful way. In this article, we will explore some of the highlights of the August calendar 2021 in Sri Lanka and what you can expect from them.

August 1: Nikini Poya

The month of August in Sri Lanka starts with Nikini Poya, which marks the day when the Buddha preached his second sermon to his disciples. It is a day for reflection, meditation, and offering alms to the poor. Many Buddhists visit temples, light oil lamps, and participate in religious ceremonies.

August 15: Assumption of Mary

August 15 is a public holiday in Sri Lanka, as it is the day of the Assumption of Mary. It is a significant religious festival for Catholics, who believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up into heaven after her death. Many churches hold special masses and processions, and people decorate their homes and streets with flowers and lights.

August 21-22: Kandy Esala Perahera

One of the most famous festivals in Sri Lanka is the Kandy Esala Perahera, which takes place in the city of Kandy during the month of August. It is a ten-day festival that culminates in a grand procession of elephants, dancers, drummers, and fire performers. The procession is a tribute to the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha, which is kept in the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy.

August 23: Binara Poya

Binara Poya falls on August 23 and is another important Buddhist holiday in Sri Lanka. It commemorates the day when the Buddha visited his father and other relatives in Kapilavastu and preached to them. Buddhists observe this day by visiting temples, meditating, and offering alms to the needy.

August 30: Day of the Disappeared

The Day of the Disappeared is observed on August 30 in Sri Lanka to raise awareness about the issue of enforced disappearances. It is a day to remember those who have gone missing, often due to political or military conflicts. Many families of the disappeared hold vigils and protests, demanding justice and accountability.


August is a month of diversity and celebration in Sri Lanka, with religious, cultural, and social events that bring people together. Whether you are a local or a visitor, there is something for everyone to enjoy and appreciate. From the Kandy Esala Perahera to the Day of the Disappeared, these occasions remind us of the richness and complexity of Sri Lankan society and the importance of unity and compassion.

Question & Answer

Q: What is Nikini Poya?

A: Nikini Poya is a Buddhist holiday in Sri Lanka that marks the day when the Buddha preached his second sermon to his disciples. It is a day for reflection, meditation, and offering alms to the poor.

Q: Why is August 15 a public holiday in Sri Lanka?

A: August 15 is a public holiday in Sri Lanka because it is the day of the Assumption of Mary, which is a significant religious festival for Catholics who believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up into heaven after her death.

Q: What is the Kandy Esala Perahera?

A: The Kandy Esala Perahera is a ten-day festival that takes place in the city of Kandy during the month of August. It culminates in a grand procession of elephants, dancers, drummers, and fire performers, and is a tribute to the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha, which is kept in the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy.

Q: What is the Day of the Disappeared?

A: The Day of the Disappeared is observed on August 30 in Sri Lanka to raise awareness about the issue of enforced disappearances. It is a day to remember those who have gone missing, often due to political or military conflicts, and to demand justice and accountability.

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