Holidays and observances in Hong Kong in 2024
Holidays and observances in Hong Kong in 2024 from


The calendar for the year 2024 in Hong Kong is packed with important dates and events that are worth noting. From public holidays to festivals and cultural events, the city has a lot to offer locals and tourists alike. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most significant dates in the 2024 calendar in Hong Kong, as well as some tips on how to make the most of them.

Public Holidays

The calendar for 2024 in Hong Kong includes 17 public holidays, which is a mix of traditional Chinese festivals and Western holidays. The first public holiday of the year is New Year’s Day, which falls on January 1st. This is followed by the Chinese New Year holiday, which usually takes place in late January or early February, and lasts for three days. Other public holidays in 2024 include Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Buddha’s Birthday, Tuen Ng Festival, National Day, and Christmas Day.

Question: When is the Chinese New Year holiday in 2024?

Answer: The Chinese New Year holiday in 2024 is expected to take place in late January or early February, and will last for three days.

Festivals and Cultural Events

Aside from public holidays, Hong Kong also has a wide range of festivals and cultural events that take place throughout the year. One of the most popular events is the Hong Kong Arts Festival, which usually takes place in February and March, and features performances by local and international artists in music, theatre, and dance. Another significant event is the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival, which is held in June and attracts thousands of visitors to watch the exciting dragon boat races.

Question: What is the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival?

Answer: The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival is an annual event held in June, which features exciting dragon boat races and attracts thousands of visitors.

Travel Tips

If you are planning to visit Hong Kong in 2024, it is advisable to book your accommodation and flights well in advance, especially during peak season. You should also take note of the public holidays and festivals, as this may affect the availability of certain services and attractions. To make the most of your trip, it is recommended to hire a local guide, who can show you the best places to visit and help you navigate the city’s public transport system.

Question: What is the best way to navigate Hong Kong’s public transport system?

Answer: To navigate Hong Kong’s public transport system, it is recommended to hire a local guide, who can show you the best routes and modes of transportation.


In conclusion, the calendar for the year 2024 in Hong Kong is filled with public holidays, festivals, and cultural events that are worth experiencing. By planning ahead and taking note of the important dates, you can make the most of your trip and enjoy all that the city has to offer.

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