2024 Year at a Glance Calendar with Malaysia Holidays Free Printable
2024 Year at a Glance Calendar with Malaysia Holidays Free Printable from


Malaysia is a diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. It has a unique blend of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and other ethnic traditions. The country celebrates several public holidays each year, which reflect its multicultural identity. In this article, we will discuss the public holidays in Malaysia for the year 2024.


The first public holiday of the year is New Year’s Day, which falls on January 1. It is a worldwide celebration and a time for new beginnings. Malaysians celebrate this day by spending time with family and friends.


What is the significance of New Year’s Day in Malaysia?


New Year’s Day is a time for new beginnings, and it is celebrated by spending time with family and friends. Malaysians also enjoy various activities, such as fireworks displays and special events.


The Chinese New Year is a significant festival for the Chinese community in Malaysia. It usually falls between January 21 and February 20, depending on the lunar calendar. The festival is celebrated with dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and traditional Chinese food.


What is the significance of the Chinese New Year in Malaysia?


The Chinese New Year is a significant festival for the Chinese community in Malaysia. It is celebrated with dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and traditional Chinese food. It is also a time for family reunions and giving red envelopes filled with money to children.


Labour Day is celebrated on May 1 each year. It is a public holiday that celebrates the achievements of workers and the contributions they make to society. Malaysians usually spend this day relaxing with family and friends or participating in outdoor activities.


Why is Labour Day celebrated in Malaysia?


Labour Day is celebrated in Malaysia to recognize the achievements and contributions of workers to society. It is a time to appreciate the hard work and dedication of employees.


Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a significant festival for Muslims in Malaysia. It marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The festival is celebrated with prayers, feasting, and giving to charity.


What is the significance of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia?


Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a significant festival for Muslims in Malaysia. It marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The festival is celebrated with prayers, feasting, and giving to charity. It is also a time for forgiveness and strengthening family ties.


Independence Day is celebrated on August 31 each year. It marks Malaysia’s independence from British colonial rule on that day in 1957. Malaysians celebrate this day with parades, fireworks, and cultural performances.


Why is Independence Day celebrated in Malaysia?


Independence Day is celebrated in Malaysia to mark the country’s independence from British colonial rule on August 31, 1957. It is a time to reflect on Malaysia’s history and celebrate its achievements.


Christmas Day is a public holiday celebrated on December 25 each year. It is a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In Malaysia, Christmas is celebrated with decorations, carols, and special meals.


What is the significance of Christmas in Malaysia?


Christmas is a significant festival for Christians in Malaysia. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and spend time with family and friends. Malaysians also enjoy festive decorations, carols, and special meals.


In conclusion, Malaysia celebrates several public holidays each year that reflect its diverse cultural heritage. These holidays are a time for Malaysians to come together and celebrate their traditions. Whether it is Chinese New Year or Christmas, Malaysians always find a reason to celebrate.

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