2024 Australia Calendar with Holidays
2024 Australia Calendar with Holidays from

Public Holidays Queensland 2024: Dates, Tips, and FAQs


Queensland is a beautiful state in Australia that is known for its stunning beaches, tropical climate, and friendly locals. It’s also a state that provides its citizens with a generous number of public holidays throughout the year. In 2024, Queenslanders can look forward to a total of 13 public holidays, which is great news for anyone looking to take some time off and explore this wonderful state.

Public Holidays in Queensland 2024

Here are the public holidays that will be observed in Queensland in 2024: 1. New Year’s Day – Sunday, 1st January 2. Australia Day – Thursday, 26th January 3. Good Friday – Friday, 29th March 4. Easter Saturday – Saturday, 30th March 5. Easter Sunday – Sunday, 31st March 6. Easter Monday – Monday, 1st April 7. ANZAC Day – Thursday, 25th April 8. Labour Day – Monday, 6th May 9. Ekka Wednesday – Wednesday, 14th August 10. Queen’s Birthday – Monday, 7th October 11. Christmas Day – Wednesday, 25th December 12. Boxing Day – Thursday, 26th December 13. Additional Christmas Day – Friday, 27th December

Tips for Enjoying Public Holidays in Queensland

If you’re planning on taking advantage of the public holidays in Queensland in 2024, here are some tips to help you make the most of your time off: 1. Plan ahead: With so many public holidays throughout the year, it’s a good idea to plan ahead and book any travel or accommodation well in advance to avoid disappointment. 2. Explore the great outdoors: Queensland is home to some of the most beautiful natural attractions in the world, so make sure you take the time to explore them during your time off. 3. Get involved in local events: Many towns and cities across Queensland hold festivals and events on public holidays, so make sure you check out what’s happening in your area. 4. Take a break: Public holidays are the perfect opportunity to take a break from work and recharge your batteries. So make sure you take some time to relax and do something that makes you happy.


Q: How many public holidays are there in Queensland in 2024? A: There are 13 public holidays in Queensland in 2024. Q: When is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday in 2024? A: The Queen’s Birthday public holiday in 2024 will be observed on Monday, 7th October. Q: Are public holidays paid in Queensland? A: Yes, public holidays are paid in Queensland for both full-time and part-time employees. Q: Do public holidays affect my annual leave entitlements? A: No, public holidays do not affect your annual leave entitlements. However, your employer may require you to take annual leave during certain periods, such as over Christmas and New Year. Q: Can my employer make me work on a public holiday? A: In most cases, your employer cannot make you work on a public holiday unless it is specified in your contract or agreement. If you do work on a public holiday, you are entitled to penalty rates.

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