Canada Calendar 2024 Free Printable Excel templates
Canada Calendar 2024 Free Printable Excel templates from


Are you already looking forward to your time off in 2024? If so, you should know the stat holidays for that year. Statutory holidays, also known as public holidays, are days recognized by the government as days off for all employees. In this article, we’ll go over the stat holidays in 2024 and answer some common questions about them.

What are the Stat Holidays in 2024?

There are nine statutory holidays in 2024, which are: 1. New Year’s Day – January 1, 2024 (Monday) 2. Family Day – February 19, 2024 (Monday) 3. Good Friday – April 19, 2024 (Friday) 4. Victoria Day – May 20, 2024 (Monday) 5. Canada Day – July 1, 2024 (Monday) 6. Civic Holiday – August 5, 2024 (Monday) 7. Labour Day – September 2, 2024 (Monday) 8. Thanksgiving Day – October 14, 2024 (Monday) 9. Christmas Day – December 25, 2024 (Wednesday)

What is the Purpose of Stat Holidays?

The purpose of stat holidays is to give employees time off from work to rest and spend time with their loved ones. These holidays are also a way to recognize important events or people in Canadian history, such as Canada Day and Victoria Day.

Who is Eligible for Statutory Holidays?

All employees who are entitled to receive pay for their work are eligible for statutory holidays. This includes full-time, part-time, and casual employees who have worked for their employer for at least 30 days before the holiday.

What Happens if I Work on a Stat Holiday?

If you work on a statutory holiday, you are entitled to receive either: 1. Your regular pay plus time-and-a-half for the hours worked 2. Your regular pay plus a day off with pay at a later date

Can an Employer Change the Statutory Holidays?

No, an employer cannot change the dates of statutory holidays. These holidays are set by the government and must be observed by all employers.

What Happens if a Stat Holiday Falls on a Weekend?

If a statutory holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday is observed on the next working day. For example, if Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, the holiday is observed on Monday, December 27.

Can an Employee Choose Not to Take a Stat Holiday?

No, an employee cannot choose not to take a statutory holiday. If an employee is eligible for a stat holiday, they must take the day off or receive pay in lieu of the holiday.


Knowing the stat holidays in 2024 is important for planning your time off and ensuring you receive the pay you’re entitled to. Remember that stat holidays are a way to recognize important events and people in Canadian history, and they’re also a way to rest and spend time with loved ones. If you have any further questions about statutory holidays, be sure to consult your employer or the government’s website.

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